Why Bizquette?
Experience disctiction with professional advantage. The job market is tricky to navigate and difficult times contribute to an extended state of unemployment. Bizquette was founded on a rich desire to promote equality amongst applicants. By levelling the playing field, the standard of applicants can be better measured ensuring that the right people get the right jobs. Ultimately, this leads to higher rates of employee satisfaction, better engagement, increased mutual respect and so much more.
Bizquette also engages in training for businesses and their teams. This also provides Bizquette the opportunity to meet the demands of today’s workforce whilst also being able to collect information around what skill sets are most desired, least held and those considered as basic requirements across industries. The consulting services offered by Bizquette help businesses to detect powerful little problems that have the ability to slow or even cripple businesses. Through the combination of consulting and training packages, client organisations are able to have HR issues externally monitored and managed. The benefits of such an arrangement include reduced negativity through the hierarchy of management, a third-party risk analysis and a broader evaluation of employee engagement and productivity. This provides a holistic and non biased outcome.
Job applicants and those looking to negotiate pay rises or promotions, benefit from the services that Bizquette offers, by engaging in individual coaching sessions that encompass a plethora of skills. These skills include interview skills, communication, presentation, branding, body language and corporate dining etiquette. The Bizquette Program is an all-rounded professional enhancement course that prepares graduates and migrants to assimilate into the Australian workforce with confidence and success.
In consideration of the current demands of the Australian workforce, equality amongst candidates requires more than just a competitive resume and cover letter. Refined skills in Professional grooming, communication, personal branding alongside others, are all critical components of levelling the playing field. This results in the candidates experiencing increased career opportunities and an overt presence in both the job market and work place. Individual coaching, corporate consulting, organisational training and The Bizquette Program work best hand in hand allowing equal opportunity to work its magic.
Make Bizquette work for you today so that you have work tomorrow!