8 Competencies of the Employable
Putting your best foot forward at interview is not the only area of employment where you need to display professional or business etiquette. In fact, from the first stage of applying for a role, during and post interview and through to the various phases of induction, commencement and ongoing work, you will want to position yourself as a valuable employee.
The most effective way to demonstrate this, is to master and demonstrate eight key employment competencies. Let’s explore each competency below.
1) You need to understand Australian social and business culture. If you have recently relocated from another country and seeking employment in Australia, then it is critical that you do your research on cultural and social norms, expected business practices, and the importance of adapting to a corporate culture.
2) To understand the typical Australian recruitment practices are fundamental so that you can optimise the manner in which you engage with and promote your capabilities to recruiters. Australian recruitments firms have different requirements based on whether they are engaging a candidate for a government or private sector client. This can involve one or more of the following: initial screening, psychometric testing, selection criteria and panel assessment, panel interview and / or presentation.
3) You will need to be able to communicate effectively with others through each stage of your recruitment and employment. From the outset you will need to be able to formulate and submit a targeted and effective resume and cover letter for the role you are applying for. Actions during and after the interview will call on your ability to draw on genuine and effective rapport building skills to engage the recruiter. Tip: Practice is key to interviews. Have someone critique your interview skills through mock sessions.
4) To master the art of personal branding is crucial for professional success and building your career. Defining your personal brand involves a complex set of master skills that include being able to identify who you are and how you want to be portrayed, how you will style yourself, and how you will project yourself to others based on how you act, what you wear and what you say. Tip: Reflect on your aspirations and what you are doing daily that work toward them.
5) Employability skill number five is to be able to develop your presentation skills and to exhibit them in a professional and confident manner. Your ability to prepare and present information to an individual or a group using refined verbal and non-verbal communication skills in a professional environment. Tip: Have a definitive introduction, body and pitch. Summarise well and be engaging.
6) As an influential and professional employee, you need to understand how to dress in a way that is appropriate in a corporate environment in Australia, and in a manner that promotes a professional image which is still consistent with your own personal style. There are a set of standard expectations and also a list of absolute taboos. As with most etiquette’s, there is even the grey area. Don’t get caught with a “no-no”!
7) The seventh employable competency centres on the etiquette that governs eating out or socialising in a work context. You need to make sure that you have the skills that allow you to be respectful of your host, know when to arrive and leave an event, and the social mores around eating, drinking and paying. Dining etiquette is a skill of the masters and can make or break any opportunity. It may be best not to risk it.
8) Finally, you need to think about your time management skills. This is a skill that is so highly demanded by employers and so rarely addressed. By studying and becoming accustomed to the application of time-management skills, you can set yourself far apart from the other candidates. Start by looking carefully at how you allocate your time so that you can identify and work on priorities which contribute to the achievement of individual, team and organisational goals. Tip: Rid yourself the bad habit of multitasking and learn how to work efficiently under stress.
These employability skills can be quite difficult to master and often require critiquing. Contact Bizquette’s School of Professionalism about their targeted Etiquette Program and refine your skills today. Running over eight sessions, this program is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to be able to manage your professional image to confidently and competently pursue employment in Australia. Call us on (03) 9771 7133 or enrol via the website www.bizquette.com.au.
Write a Resume That Will Get The Recruiters Attention!
You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. That is the mantra of recruitment professionals the world over. They see candidate applications day after day, all vying for the same role in what are increasingly competitive job markets. Given the volume of resumes that come across their desk, it is any wonder that many applicants don’t make it through to interview stage.
So how do recruiters differentiate one candidate over another? Have you ever wondered if there is a wickedly complex formula to getting an interview? In many cases, the answer is very straightforward. Let’s take some time to look at how they assess an applicant, and how you can prepare your resume so that you make the shortlist.
Firstly, recruiters look for who a candidate that has the expertise to do the job as advertised, or has effectively articulated that they have similar skills and the capacity to transfer those skills in the position.
Tip: When developing your resume for a role you need to make a strong case that outlines why you are the best candidate. This means, clearly detailing your skills, the roles you have held, key outcomes or achievements in each role, and studies or training that are relevant to the position. To do this effectively you need to take the time to review the position description for the vacancy and ensure that you can show evidence of where you have achieved similar responsibilities in your employment history. You can do this by matching both layout and terminology between your resume and the position description.
Secondly, you need to be mindful that many recruiters will use automated computer software that shortlists a candidate based on searching for keywords in their resume. These keywords are relevant skills, competencies, jobs and courses that have been identified by the recruiter as being a minimum requirement for a candidate to be considered for the position.
Tip: When developing your resume it is important that you carefully review the position description for the vacancy and take the time to prioritise keywords throughout the document that represent the key skill or competency areas the employer is looking for. Once you have identified these keywords, review and edit your resume to make sure that you incorporate each one several times. This will ensure that when you resume is scanned using an automated software tool that it is less likely to be rejected.
Finally, you need to be genuine. Recruiters have years of experience in weeding out resumes that have been submitted by candidates who only have a partial interest in a role, or are not sufficiently experienced or qualified for the position, but attempt to oversell themselves.
Tip: Always review a vacancy from the eyes of the recruiter. Give your resume close scrutiny against the position description. If you don’t meet some of the essential requirements then you may need to ask yourself if this is really the right role for you. It might be better to wait for another opportunity, rather than submitting a resume and alienating the recruiter for a role that was never really yours to begin with.
If you are concerned that you resume might not be hitting the mark then perhaps it is time to arrange for a resume expert to give you some advice. Contact one of the friendly team at Bizquette International and arrange for your resume to be given the boost it needs to secure interviews. The team at Bizquette can create a brand new resume for you if your existing one needs updating, or they can provide a professional editing service to optimise your existing content. Don’t wait another day. Contact our team now.
A war between science and art.
As per the Merriam-Webster dictionary: “Science is the state of knowing.” “Art is something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings.” Therefore science is fact and art has no boundaries. So if I am an artist as an entrepreneur, I must use skill to create business opportunities that express important ideas. Then, am I not knowledgable? So, is art not a subset of science?
The war between science and art may be as complex as the war between science and religion. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines religion in several ways. One of which states that religion is “an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group”. This makes professional success a religion. Professional success is an interest, belief and activity that is important to job seekers and the prospering workforce.
Whilst I class myself as being a member of this religion, there is one area in which I can definitively declare myself both a scientist and an artist as well. As a recruiter and a recruitment mentor, I rely on the art of selection and the science of persuasion. It is because of this that there is always an open door somewhere.
Bizquette International Pty. Ltd. is a training and consulting company specialising in business etiquette and professional success. At Bizquette, we are passionate about equal opportunity for all candidates within the Australian job market as it is on this very notion that Bizquette was founded. How to you get experience when experience is a prerequisite? How do you bake a cake without a recipe? Bizquette coaches reform of attitude and brand. We provide the recipe for success and teach you how to apply it for the best results.
Ever heard the saying “we are our friends”? As a graduate of The Bizquette Program, you will be inducted into the exclusive Bizquette Society. The Bizquette Society is a networking function that brings graduates to a room of open doors. Representatives from various organisations around Victoria and graduates of The Bizquette Program come together at an annual event exposing many opportunities for the career driven. Now we see a union of science and art… and the magic that transpires.
Why Bizquette?
Experience disctiction with professional advantage. The job market is tricky to navigate and difficult times contribute to an extended state of unemployment. Bizquette was founded on a rich desire to promote equality amongst applicants. By levelling the playing field, the standard of applicants can be better measured ensuring that the right people get the right jobs. Ultimately, this leads to higher rates of employee satisfaction, better engagement, increased mutual respect and so much more.
Bizquette also engages in training for businesses and their teams. This also provides Bizquette the opportunity to meet the demands of today’s workforce whilst also being able to collect information around what skill sets are most desired, least held and those considered as basic requirements across industries. The consulting services offered by Bizquette help businesses to detect powerful little problems that have the ability to slow or even cripple businesses. Through the combination of consulting and training packages, client organisations are able to have HR issues externally monitored and managed. The benefits of such an arrangement include reduced negativity through the hierarchy of management, a third-party risk analysis and a broader evaluation of employee engagement and productivity. This provides a holistic and non biased outcome.
Job applicants and those looking to negotiate pay rises or promotions, benefit from the services that Bizquette offers, by engaging in individual coaching sessions that encompass a plethora of skills. These skills include interview skills, communication, presentation, branding, body language and corporate dining etiquette. The Bizquette Program is an all-rounded professional enhancement course that prepares graduates and migrants to assimilate into the Australian workforce with confidence and success.
In consideration of the current demands of the Australian workforce, equality amongst candidates requires more than just a competitive resume and cover letter. Refined skills in Professional grooming, communication, personal branding alongside others, are all critical components of levelling the playing field. This results in the candidates experiencing increased career opportunities and an overt presence in both the job market and work place. Individual coaching, corporate consulting, organisational training and The Bizquette Program work best hand in hand allowing equal opportunity to work its magic.
Make Bizquette work for you today so that you have work tomorrow!
Professional Behaviour voted as Top Employability Criteria
A recent study involving HR professionals in Australia uncovered that professional behaviour is a must have of a suitable job applicant. “Without a suitable appearance, manners and communication style, all other details of an applicant become irrelevant”.
Dress Codes Decoded
Dressing for success can be a quite the feat. Have you ever begun to get ready for an interview and thought you had everything under control only to realise there were many unwelcome surprises along the way? From torn stockings to broken zippers, dressing for success may not be as easy as we may think. There are many factors to consider when choosing your attire for a particular professional occasion. These may include temperature, chance of rain, how much walking may be involved and even the likely presence of food. The fabric that shirt might be made of, might be too itchy to wear to an interview. It might also be too bold. We can break this topic down into four main categories for easier days ahead. Factors to consider within these categories will be discussed in a future post.
Fabric and Fit: Weight, creases, durability, tightness, bagginess
Accessories: Modern, appropriate, convenient
Colour: Appropriate to event
Expression of Style: How much style can you unleash?