Learn Crypto
Learn about how Cryptocurrencies work, how they are mined, purchased, stored and traded.
Skip the research, lets get straight to the point!
Cryptography and cryptocurrency is a huge, complex subject. Skip all the back of house stuff, skip the unnecessary jargon, just get started so you can begin accruing your wealth. Learn what you need to know to understand the fundamentals and whats involved in moving, storing and accruing wealth through cryptocurrencies.
Check out this video on why you should think crypto: Article by the Independent
This course hits the important points that will teach you all you need to start making decisions about your strategy and cryptos’ of interest to you. EasyC will provide you with the personal support you need to get set up and start making money.
As a bonus, you will get a year free of support as you begin your cryptocurrency journey! (usually $199p/a)
Refer to the syllabus below.
- Unit1: Intro to CryptocurrencyWhat is Bitcoin
Why Cryptocurrency
The history of Cryptocurrency
How to read and interpret charts
- Unit 2: Mechanisms of CryptocurrencyBlockchains
Source of Value
Demand and Supply
- Unit 3: The Exchange Platforms
- Unit 4: Moving CryptosHow to Buy and Sell
How to Send and Receive
Security of your Assets
- Unit 5: Other Crypto AssetsDeFis