Assertive communication
Assertive communication behaviours
Advertising and promoting
Being a mentor
Business documents and correspondence
Change management
Coaching skills for managers
Conferences – promotion and management
Conducting internal audits
Conducting interviews
Continuous improvement
Coping with workplace stress
Customer complaints
Customer loyalty—how do you get it?Customer needs
Creating a safety culture
Communication skills
Conducting useful market research
Creating a flexible workplace
Delivering training at work
Develop a budget
Developing customer loyalty
Developing an induction program
Developing a learning organisation
Delivering training at work
Diversity – understanding and managing
Emotional Intelligence
Effective meetings
Governance – being a board member
Health and safety incident management
Health and safety leadership
Identifying marketing opportunities
Influencing and negotiation skills
Innovation in the workplace
Leadership in work organisations
Making meetings useful
Managing a sales team
Managers as coaches
Managing change
Managing debt and consumer credit
Manage a franchise
Manual handling
Managing off-site staff
Managing work stress
Minimising loss in a retail store
Networking – how and why
Organising events
Organisations and social responsibility
Online sales
Organisations and sustainability
Outstanding communication skills
Performance management
Prioritising work
Product knowledge
Profiling the market
Project management
Project management fundamentals
Promoting a small business
Risk assessment and control
Recruiting and selecting
Retail sales and service
Skills for influencing and negotiating
Starting a micro business
Stock control and inventory
Strategic planning
Supervision: action or attitude?
Telephone communication
Telephone communication: representing the company
Time management
Time management at work
Understanding and managing conflict at work
Visual merchandising
Workforce planning
Work teams
Your career pathway